News & Insights


Marketing Needs To Make An Offer

"Offers aren't just discounts. They are framing devices to give us perception of benefit in a transaction. Done well, they boost conversions at zero cost." In this Mediapost article,  Mediassociates' Head of Strategy Ben Kunz provides advice on the importance of advertising including a compelling offer and how brands and their agencies can develop them.


After Facebook’s outage, Brands need to Diversify their Platform Mix

When Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp all went down simultaneously in early October, millions of brands that rely on these three social platforms to speak to their consumers  -  and generate leads and conversions - were left high and dry. In this piece in AdAge, Jesse Rosenschein shares how advertisers can (and should) diversify their platform mix safely, smartly and profitably.


Four ways to reach out-and-about US consumers in a pandemic and privacy-changed world

In this exclusive WARC feature, Jesse Rosenschein guides marketers on how to effectively reach their target consumer in a post-pandemic environment with heightened digital privacy concerns.


Marketers, Stop Apologizing: It’s OK to Use Data

All the well-meaning conversation about tracking consumer data and privacy doesn't mean that personalization and one-to-one targeting is going the way of the Dodo bird.  Quite the's here to stay and Ben Kunz will tell you why in this commentary from MediaPost.


Location-based ads can rebound despite Apple’s privacy changes

Problem: Your customers are out travelling and shopping again but the changing data privacy landscape makes personalization and targeting more difficult than ever. Jesse Rosenschein shares some insights on how "contextual targeting" can help fill the gap.


What’s Beyond the Walled Garden?

“Why not just spend all of my digital media budget on Facebook, Google and Amazon? What would we really miss out on?” At Mediassociates we often hear that question but the answer’s not so simple. While there’s no denying the value of the walled garden platforms – Google, Facebook, and Amazon being the big 3...


Apple Slices Mobile Tracking

There has been so much talk about Apple’s new privacy policy. Our head of digital, Jesse Rosenschein, breaks down what it really means for marketers, the ripple effects for Facebook , and provides a gameplan for a post IDFA world.


The End of the Cookie

What does the impending “End of the Cookie” mean for digital marketers and how can they navigate this new environment? Mediassociates own Ben Kunz and Tim Lathrop break it down and help you plot a roadmap for success.

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