News & Insights


Now that the NFL is on hiatus, let’s talk about Twitter’s male audience

While Elon Musk continues to make waves and court controversy, for brands specifically looking to target male audiences, Twitter may present an opportunity. Twitter’s total audience size has long lagged behind the billions on Facebook and Instagram, but those numbers creeped up in recent years


1 of every 3 minutes of “television” viewing is now streaming or online video

Talk about a media revolution. Nielsen reports that TV viewers are continuing to ditch their old broadcast and cable habits, replacing them with connected TV and OLV options. Streaming and online video now make up more than 1 in 3 minutes of “television” viewing behavior in the United States.


Behold, the power of Google Trends

The New Year is upon us and, guess what, gyms and fitness center are packed with people fulfilling their 2023 resolutions. You know it’s coming…this annual uptick in sales for gym memberships, weight-loss products, and fitness apparel. If fitness seasonality is so obvious, what else can we learn about business from past consumer demand?


TikTok, Winner of 2023 Social Media

Yes, it’s early to call it, but we expect TikTok to surge again in 2023. In an upcoming year where much of the ad industry continues to struggle — digital ad spending is forecast to inch up only 5% — TikTok is on fire in its growth. The social net was the most downloaded app in Q3 2022, with user growth of 571 million, and now reaches more than 20% of all global Internet users. TikTok has surpassed Twitter, Reddit, Pinterest and Snapchat in monthly active users, has replaced TV as the primary video channel among Gen Z, and is encroaching upon Google search as a starting point to find what you think you want.


Branding needs a Rebrand

It’s time to rebrand “branding.” Let’s admit it, the term has become so overused, warped and misapplied by marketing theorists that financial executives no longer credit it with much. Even top brand consultancies cannot agree on its value. So let’s call branding what it really is: Future Response. Read how our Head of Strategy, Ben Kunz, lays out a gameplan to give clarify to the role of branding and re-earn it the respect it deserves.


Gen Z to Marketers: Ditch the Persona

Marketers loves to create personas.  Yet Gen Z, the 68 million 10- to 24-year-olds who comprise every marketer’s dreamscape for lifetime customers, defy our characterizations.  In this Mediapost article, Ben Kunz argues it's time to toss those Gen Z personas and instead design media plans that better match communications to the ways real people engage with your brand.  


The Real Keys to Brand Memes

Memes are social movements, not cat videos, and there are techniques and strategies that brands can adopt to create memes and amplify social sharing. Ben Kunz, EVP at Mediassociates, provides the blueprint in this short read on Mediapost.


Marketing Needs To Make An Offer

"Offers aren't just discounts. They are framing devices to give us perception of benefit in a transaction. Done well, they boost conversions at zero cost." In this Mediapost article,  Mediassociates' Head of Strategy Ben Kunz provides advice on the importance of advertising including a compelling offer and how brands and their agencies can develop them.

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